Monday, April 2, 2012

A Titanic To-Do List

Can’t make it to Belfast in the next few days for the Titanic Belfast Festival (complete with MTV spinning live music) or a showing of “Titanic the Musical” at the Grand Opera House? Then you may want to whet your appetite for the party with these local options offered in the DMV.

Your Hostesses with the Mostesses will be venturing out for a showing of Titanic in 3D and IMAX – yeah, we go hard – next Tuesday. Check your RMS Mail in the coming days for details on location and tickets.
Titanic: 100 Year Obsession – National Geographic Museum, Washington, DC
Not part of the Smithsonian so you gotta pay for this one, but at 8 bucks it’s worth it, and includes entry into the Big Cats exhibit as well! Rawr. [Editor’s note: Okay, the Big Cats outdoor photography exhibit is actually free all the time but we think this pairing is just too poetic to resist – cats, water…come on!] 

Stop by this poignant memorial in Southwest DC and reflect on how cutthroat you can be to assure yourself a spot on a lifeboat. After all, it's better to be remembered as someone who survived, right?

For those of you who will be toiling away in steerage, get an advance taste of your party digs by checking out the full-scale Third Class cabin.

For all you fashionistas, hear a textile expert talk about…cloth. Any water-resistant materials available in 1912?

Remembering the Titanic, Virginia Beach, VA 

Take part in a Titanic discussion and viewing of “A Night to Remember” (the greatest Titanic movie no one under 30 ever saw) and compare it to your Junior Prom of the same name. (Which night saw the bigger tanking?)


You know you want to see what a Titanic luggage tag looked like. (Be sure to ask an archives security guard to show you where the Main Titanic Exhibit is located.)

Feeling a bit adventurous? Take a quick Bolt Bus ride to...  
New York to knock off the list some of the Titanic-themed tourist traps treats in the great ship’s intended destination,
or Philadelphia for…well, let’s be honest: Philly just can’t handle being left out of anything. 

1 comment:

  1. I think the Philly haterade in this post makes it obvious who wrote it. FREEDOM!
