Monday, April 30, 2012

Meet the World's Least Superstitious Man

His name is Clive Palmer, and he's going to build the Titanic II.

The daring (foolish?) Mr. Palmer.

Perhaps the best quote of the press conference came when reporters asked if the new ship would sink.
"Of course it will sink if you put a hole in it," replied Mr. Palmer.  (Duh.)

The ship will sail in 2016.  No word yet on how much tickets will cost, but we'd suggest opening a savings account now if you don't believe in bad luck.

Thanks to Titanic Tipster Christian for this breaking bit of news.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

What does a block of ice have in common with a whale?

 In this case, they’re both named Iceberg.

Earlier this week, we were pretty excited when this news story popped up.  Scientists in Russia have sighted what is possibly the world’s only white orca whale.  He is at least 16 years old, 22 feet long, and seems to enjoy sailing the seven seas with his fish-eating pod.  When the team of scientists studying whales and dolphins in the Commander Islands suddenly saw a six-foot-tall white dorsal fin surface from the waves, they immediately christened the white whale “Iceberg.”

We sincerely hope that someone in that research team thought to yell, “Iceberg, right ahead!” after giving the whale his new name.

Friday, April 20, 2012

100 Years Later

I believe that the heart does go on..

Caroline, Mankaa, and Megan would like to extend their most heart-felt thank you to everyone who attended our party last weekend.  It was an amazing time and the commitment demonstrated by our guests was inspiring.

Though the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic may be over, our interest in providing you with information all things Titanic-related lives on, and so as long as you keep checking in on us, we'll keep posting weird stuff we find online.  We might even start posting *gasp* non-titanic related things.

Thanks for the memories!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Things We Won't Be Doing on Saturday

Here at The White Star Line Cordially Invites You, we have literally spent months developing brilliant ideas to turn Saturday into one of the most memorable events of your lives.  This week, though, Titanic Tipsters Heather C. and Mary brought two things to our attention which we hadn’t even considered:

  1. We promise not to make you do this.  (Mainly because we can't fit a pool inside a house; access to canoes is no problem when you have our day jobs.)
  2. We also won’t be baking one of these. (Though you shouldn’t let that stop you from channeling your inner pastry chef, if you feel so inclined.)

Monday, April 9, 2012

Saturday, April 7, 2012

A Construction Mystery

 One of our 2nd Class passengers is busy creating something to help make next Saturday night memorable.

What could Caleb be up to??